Newfound Summer | Art, White Squirrels, & Party Shorts

Newfound Summer | Art, White Squirrels, & Party Shorts

Summer time is right around the corner and we can't wait! To kick off things off, we are hosting an Exhibition this Friday, May 26th featuring some of our favorite local artists.

Color & Connection celebrates the works of local artists Lucy Resier, Ellen Troyer, Travis Medford and Betsy Jay. Over the last few years, connecting with people in real life has been difficult. During this time, many of us have leaned on art in its various forms to fill that void. This exhibition focuses on works that use color to connect us to one another and to the world around us. Landscapes and botanical pieces capture the beauty of our natural surroundings in all its vivid glory. Bold, abstract strokes and intricate paper collage invigorate our senses and form new relationships to explore. "Color & Connection" is for everyone who yearns to be closer to one another and embraces the beauty found in our natural world.

The exhibition opens at Newfound Artisan on Friday, May 26th, at 5:00pm. Reception will be held from 5-7pm during the first Art Walk of the season.Color and Connection Flyer

Color & Connection is also our kick off for White Squirrel Weekend here in Brevard. The White Squirrel Festival is a great time to come out and listen to live music, grab some food, and of course support local businesses. In addition to the great music that Heart of Brevard has lined up for the festival, we are excited to have Kevin Daniel in the shop on Saturday to play some tunes from his latest album. Kevin will also be performing at the White Squirrel Artisan Market in June. We are a proud sponsor of the White Squirrel Artisan Market which features many of the artisans we carry right here in our shop. Check out the market on June 24th and support local artisans while also enjoying some great music!



We worked with our friends at Twin Denim Co. to commission a small number of "Party Shorts" for the shop. Perfect for all your summer time projects - handmade from selvedge denim just up the road in Asheville, NC. These are available in S, M, L, and XL and are here until they're gone.

Party Shorts

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